How to Design a Perfect Logo for a Brand on a Budget

By yhpnz In Categories: Logo Design Posted February 27, 2017

It is said that the logo of a company becomes a part of its brand presence faster than the name does, which may indeed be true! Think about the number of times you see a logo that you recognise, even if the company name is not listed with it, you make an instant connection with the product that is being offered.

Tips on Creating the Best Logo Designs for Brands

Whether you are a business owner or a logo designer, the idea is to create a design that works in two basic ways – grabbing the viewer’s attention, and passing on a general idea of what is offered. Let’s take a look at some of the best tips for creating an effective and memorable logo design for a brand.

  • Keep It Simple – One of the best ways to make sure a logo grabs attention is by keeping the lines and colours simple and striking. This way, it can easily be adapted for printing on large and small items, different surfaces (like T-shirts or bags) as well as catching the eye of anyone who looks at it! Try and use just one or two colours and avoid too much intricate detail.
  • Offer Information – The logo should reflect the brand that it is being designed for. This includes the brand name (or initials) as well as a hint of the products or services they offer. This way, anyone who looks at the logo will instantly associate it with the product (and their need for it) rather than just thinking ‘Oh, that’s a nice design!’ and moving on without registering who the logo belongs to!
  • Be Creative – The age of boring monogram-style logos has passed, as people have so many options to choose from, it becomes essential to stand out from the crowd. Think out of the box when you are creating a logo and try adding features of interest to the design. Leave a little hint or a hidden design which doesn’t become obvious at first glance, so that people spend a moment or two to figure it out.

If you don’t have much experience designing logos, one of the best things to do is to hire a cheap web designer to come up with a few different options that you can pick from. Since there are a number of web designers who work part-time or on a freelance basis, it’s quite affordable to get a budget logo design that is top-quality and grabs attention.

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