
Blogging isn’t For Everyone

By yhpnz In Categories: Blogging Posted July 12, 2021
Blogging is a relatively new phenomenon. It basically involves the creation of an online journal that is displayed in reverse chronological order. The blogger who is maintaining the blog may opt to post new blog entries as often as he desires. This may involve posting new entries more than once per day, daily, weekly, monthly […]

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Ocean Beach Webshots is sold for $82 million

By yhpnz In Categories: Blogging Posted May 25, 2017
The sale of Webshots may be one of the poster child downfalls of the dot-com boom. Originally a computer screen saver company that distributed sports orientated desktop background evolved into a web and photo-sharing website that was ahead of its time, it displayed user uploaded photos similarly to the basics of Facebook when it was […]

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