
Social Media Marketing Tips for Beginners 

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted March 27, 2021
Social media is one of the greatest marketing tools ever created. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram may not have been created with businesses in mind, but they sure have evolved into money-making machines. No small business is complete without a strong social media presence. We know it, and you know it. That’s […]

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SEO Checklist and Free Tools

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted October 1, 2020
Can you be sure that your SEO is working well behind the scenes? Here are some tools and tips to help you to spot low-hanging fruit. You’ve undoubtedly spent hours upon hours optimising your website. Now, you need to think about SEO tests that can measure your progress and help you increase your rankings on […]

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SEO Nightmare: What Do When Website Rankings Drop

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted September 7, 2020
Any online marketing guru who has worked with SEO knows no worse feeling than when search rankings drop, seemingly without reason. You’ve put hours and hours of work into your client’s SEO and started to see success, only for your efforts to tank unexpectedly.  Before you feel too discouraged, reel in your emotions, and let’s […]

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6 SEO Tips That Always Work

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted August 8, 2020
Six Cheap SEO Australia Tips for the New Google Core Algorithm You’re all set up with a website or blog, and you’re in search of cheap SEO Australia tips. Thanks to Google’s recent update, it’s as important to optimise old content as it is to create something new. The Google Core Update: What Does it […]

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DIY SEO Part 1

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted October 16, 2018
SEO isn’t anything like advertising, which means you need a budget for both. The meaning of SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the optimizing of your overall website, your individual web-pages and the source code in the background to talk to Google the website crawler called “Googlebot”, which reports back to head-office if your website […]

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Top 7 SEO Forums Australians can use for Cheap DIY SEO

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted October 15, 2018
SEO is a very complex subject, and since it constantly changes, it can drive the newbies insane! Luckily, there are many resources available on the internet which can help them with their toughest SEO-related questions. Sometimes, it’s easier to just rely on a skilful Aussie SEO company. If you want to improve your SEO and […]

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10 Worst Domain Names

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted February 27, 2017
10 Worst Domain Names A couple of days ago I was searching for clever domain names, names that would stick in ones mind… part branding exercise, part curiosity. What I ended up finding were a lot of rather hilarious domain names! At first glance it might be easy to be offended however they all seem […]

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Great SEO Tips for Business Websites

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted February 27, 2017
All about SEO for Business Websites SEO is perhaps the most significant challenge faced by businesses online today and is no simple task. Achieving good and profitable rankings in search engines demand a great deal of time and commitment not to mention the fact that algorithms used major search engines like Google are always changing […]

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The Balance between Readability and SEO

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted February 27, 2017
Combining SEO and readability In SEO, too much of one thing often results to a bad thing. Many aspects of life can be described as a delicate balancing act and search engine optimization is not at all that different. Among the most complex aspect of running a search engine marketing campaign is balancing quality content […]

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