
A Website’s Return on Investment – A Case Study for a 360% return

By yhpnz In Categories: Website Costs Posted February 27, 2024
With most purchases people make in their day to day lives some form of return is expected. This return could be a tangible or intangible return. A businessman might buy the latest shoes in the store so he can look better in front of his clients or feel comfortable walking around all day on his […]

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How Do I Work Out Charge Rates for Freelancers and Agencies?

By yhpnz In Categories: Website Costs Posted February 27, 2017
How Do I Work Out Charge Rates for Freelancers and Agencies? This infographic below provides an excellent breakdown of how Freelancers and Agencies should charge for their rates. This can also serve as a great guide for clients who wish to engage such freelancers and agencies. One thing to keep in mind is that this varies […]

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Hiring the Right Web Designer

By yhpnz In Categories: Website Costs Posted February 27, 2017
Looking to hire a web designer? Are you thinking of hiring a professional web designer? Well completely communicating your needs across can be the hardest part of the selection process and its often because website designers don’t speak the same language as people outside the industry when it comes to the specifics of a website. […]

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Outsourcing to an SEO Company

By yhpnz In Categories: Website Costs Posted February 27, 2017
Thinking about investing in an SEO company for your business needs online? Well before you even consider such an option, it would be best to understand what it’s actually all about and how it is done. Doing so will help you steer clear of the deceit and lies surrounding some of the most unscrupulous SEO […]

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The Challenges of Good Website Design

By yhpnz In Categories: Website Costs Posted February 27, 2017
Good Website Design of Today The ins and outs of good website design have radically changed. Decades ago, it certainly wasn’t such a tall order – techniques were simple enough, and websites were designed relatively quickly. Of course, what makes the best website design was a debatable issue back then, but it was still quite […]

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