DIY SEO Part 1

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted October 16, 2018

SEO isn’t anything like advertising, which means you need a budget for both. The meaning of SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the optimizing of your overall website, your individual web-pages and the source code in the background to talk to Google the website crawler called “Googlebot”, which reports back to head-office if your website deserves to rank higher than other competing websites. If you’re looking for DIY SEO, or if you are after cheap SEO, then there are several options available. SEO is a very good skill to learn when running a website or blog, and it can save you plenty of money to do it yourself. Here are some DIY SEO tips and resources that will help you save thousands of dollars:

1 – Do your Keyword Research!

Keyword research is the first kind of research website / blog owners do. It helps to understand the market quite well since it essentially tells what customers are looking for. Keep yourself updated with the current trends and understand the identifiers that searchers use in their SE queries.

There are many keyword tools that can help determine the value of each keyword, their relative competition as well as their current search amount; Google’s very own Keyword Planner is one of the best keyword research tools on the market to help with understanding keyword data and using it; and it’s 100% FREE!

Uber Suggest is a free alternative while Wordtracker and SEM rush are two great paid keyword research tools you can enjoy.

2 – What you need to know about Website optimization

You’ll have to create website pages; the hardest part of the SEO process is to create an optimized website that is indexed by googled and ranked higher because of being in the criteria set by Google.

In this day and age, a website needs to be optimized for mobile since more than half of website visitors are using a mobile phone. It’s important to make the mobile viewers’ experience seamless and engaging if you do that correctly, you’re not only scoring some good-boy points in Google’s book but also facilitating more than half of your audience.

Google now ranks organic search results for desktop- and mobile devices based on site’s mobile experiences and page speed.

3- Don’t be lazy! Add Frequent Content

Why do you think Youtube channels that produce regular content get more viewers and a larger following as compared to Youtubers that do occasional content? It’s simple, you need to get your website out of the initial slow zone and get the ball rolling; here, it’s key to be consistent.

Content doesn’t necessarily mean posting tons of text content, it means to post any kind of content related to your niche; for instance, a restaurant can consistently post pictures of their food, a travel blogger can post his trips, etc. It’s about engaging the audience and keeping your website relevant.

4- Get on board with Social media YESTERDAY!

Have many different social media options –Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and tons more– Social media allows you to offer prospects to your website and offer your audience content all the while inciting them to connect with your audience.

It’s important to understand the direct relation with traffic and social media in order for your website to grow and flourish.

5- Track & Trace with Analytics and Spreadsheets

Tracking your website visitors and performance and keeping a tight check on website analytics is the primary key to success. it’s important to know key strengths and weaknesses, what your audience likes, your organic search, and more. Performance analysis is key for SEO. I could talk for hours about advanced analytics techniques but know this: There is nothing you can’t rack and report on. You can find weak pages, strong pages, why people abandon your website and where and so on. How could you ever know what to do if you just drove the website blindly?

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