How to Write a Great Web Design Brief

By yhpnz In Categories: Web Design Posted November 2, 2020

If you’re in the market for a new website or a fresh website redesign, you’ll need a great web design brief to get the results you’re after. A website design project works best when both the client and the designer have a clear idea of what the main project goals are. 

A great web design brief will help both client and designer to manage their expectations. In collaboration, you can decide on website purpose, expected deliverables like website content, logo design and domains, and overall goals like improved online presence or lead generation. 

Let’s go through the key elements for writing a great web design brief. 

What is a Web Design Brief? 

Once you are working with a great website designer, you’ll both need to establish the core goals of the project. A web design brief outlines the work that needs to be done, the deliverables the client expects, as well as key information about the business (client).

A web design brief is usually created by the client, or the business who requires the website. You may be in need of a brand new website, or just wanting an overhaul of your current design. 

A web design brief is a great tool for managing a design project as well as the expectations of everyone involved. They support the designer(s) in staying on track towards the original design goals, and identifying additional services that can be added on or discussed at a later date. This way, the project will stay on track with regards to deadlines and expenses, too! 

Before we look at the items to include in your web design brief, here are some tips for investing in professional website design. A professional designer with a good reputation and robust portfolio is much more likely to deliver top-notch results!

1. Describe the Company

As the client, its really helpful to include a description of your company in your web design brief. It provides valuable insight into your brand and values, which guide the design process and determine business goals. 

Discuss your brand, values, vision and mission statements in your outline. Additionally, create a list of stakeholders in your company so that the designer(s) can contact specific people for specific deliverables. 

If you have major plans for growth in the coming years, try to discuss this in your web design brief so that your designer can set down strong foundations. For example, if you eventually want to have an eCommerce site, it’s best to build an eCommerce site right from the start. Tacking on an eCommerce function later is more difficult and more expensive. 

2. Create a Website Overview 

This defines the scope of the project and deliverables. For example, is this a new website or a redesign? What other deliverables are required over and above the website? For example, logo design, hosting and domains, content… Include some details of what isn’t included in the project, for example, you may already have a brand package! 

Regarding design elements, discuss the tone of voice you want for your site, the types of visuals you desire, and the functions you expect of your site. For example, do you want social media to be integrated to your site? What about a contact form? What kind of call to action buttons do you envision – “Call Now to Book” or “Book Online” or “Enquire Here”, for example. 

If you have existing branding materials that you want incorporated, be sure to send them to your designer! Logos, visuals, colour palettes, and so on. Everything in your arsenal! 

3. Define Project Goals 

Your project goals define what your website is meant to achieve for your brand. Some of these may be: increasing brand awareness, improving online presence, increasing sales, or generating leads for your business. You may want your website to be a key source of information for your company, the causes you support, and industry you work in. 

If you have an existing website, or have had one before, its useful to discuss what worked and what didn’t. This information steers the new design away from previous problems and also focuses the scope the of the project. 

4. Identify Target Audience 

Who do you envision will be visiting your website? It’s extremely helpful to discuss the demographics, filmographics (types of organisations), and psychographics (psychological attributes) of your ideal user. 

Some key markers include age, gender, job, media consumption, location, and so on. If you understand who your target audience is, you can create a site that invites them in! Here’s a great resource for researching your online customer. 

Alternatively, we can conduct this research for you!

We offer complete SEO services to research and attract the users you want to sell to.

Well-researched keywords and SEO increases traffic and conversions.

5. List Technical Requirements 

Clearly stating your technical requirements can save loads of time in a web design project. Your requirements will depend on the type of site you’re building. For example, if you’re building an eCommerce site, you’ll need to list product categories, payment methods, and more. 

If you’re in some kind of service business that takes bookings, you might desire an online booking system that integrates into your point of sale. These are technical requirements that need to be established at the outset to streamline and save costs. 

6. Create a Timeline 

A timeline is not important for everyone, but it’s important to discuss this with your designer. Work with your designer to set a reasonable schedule, and include time for unexpected roadblocks. 

7. Set a Budget 

The cost of a fresh web design will vary greatly depending on your technical requirements. Your available budget influences the types of tools that are used and the overall scope of the website. 

Lower budgets will tend towards simpler websites and readily available templates, like a CMS (content management system), for example. 

A higher budget is conducive with more technical requirements, greater customisation and complex design. 

8. Discuss Site Maintenance

Most web design clients are happy for their website designer to manage their hosting and maintenance needs. Stipulate whether you’ll be acquiring the domain and hosting, or whether you require this of your designer. Furthermore, what kind of ongoing support will your require to update your site and keep it working well? 

If you’re looking for a great website design that exceeds your expectations and delivers high quality design and value for money, you’re in the right place. Take a look at our website packages, including eCommerce packages, and support packages to get an idea of what we offer! 

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