The Balance between Readability and SEO

By yhpnz In Categories: Search Engine Optimization Posted February 27, 2017

Combining SEO and readability

In SEO, too much of one thing often results to a bad thing. Many aspects of life can be described as a delicate balancing act and search engine optimization is not at all that different. Among the most complex aspect of running a search engine marketing campaign is balancing quality content or readability with one’s efforts at optimizing for search engines.

The idea is to conform to the latest complicated search engine algorithms without compromising the quality and readability of one’s web content. Now the question remains – how does one go about it? Let’s go ahead and take a closer look along with some great tips on web marketing…

How to balance readability with SEO

When creating content in online marketing and optimizing it for search engines, most people often have the tendency to “stuff” or excessively use certain keywords sacrificing quality thinking that it would boost results in SEO and help their website stand out or get ahead of competitors.

Unfortunately, the results are often quite the opposite as poor user experience leads prospects to doubt the credibility and quality of whatever product or service you offer. Most importantly, such practices can lead to search engines penalizing your website for “keyword spamming” and offering no value to the online community sending your website to the bottom of search engine results.

People that are meticulous about the content their website provides also have the tendency to make insufficient use of their keywords resulting to content that are a pleasant read but are not nearly optimized enough for search engine crawlers to recognize and index which isn’t going to get you anywhere in your SEO efforts.

Finding the balance between search engine optimisation and the quality or readability of your content isn’t as easy as most search engine marketing professionals may think but it doesn’t have to be overly difficult either. Before your create your content, you just need to plan which keywords to write it around and include one of your primary keywords in the title.

Check to make sure that the keyword density is optimal – at least 1 percent or 1 keyword in every 100 words. You can use certain tools such as the Live Keyword analysis tool to optimize keyword density.

The rule of thumb here is that you should always approach the creation of your web content from a user’s perspective. If it doesn’t seem to read well or hardly makes any sense on your end because you focused too much on search engine optimization, prospects will likely see it the same way. Don’t cut any corners or settle for anything less when it comes to quality and SEO. After all, high rankings won’t matter squat when your website doesn’t exactly inspire the confidence of your prospects to do any kind of business with you!

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