Web Design Best Practices

By yhpnz In Categories: Web Design Posted February 27, 2017

Approaching Web Design Today

Whether you are working on areas for improvement in your current web design or building a website from scratch, there are a couple of best practices that one should keep in mind when it comes to website design for internet marketing.  After all the goal of having a web marketing website is to draw in visitors and prospects. Effectiveness in this regard is determined by a number of criteria. Sticking with good and proven practices will help you select the best appearance and feel for your website in order to attain the desired results.

Essential considerations in web design practices

Webpage loading speed is certainly one of the foremost considerations when designing a website. The internet is all about speed – quick searches, reliable information and convenient purchases. It’s impossible to succeed with any of them if you are using a slow loading cheap websites.  Don’t use multimedia elements that use too much resources and this includes large high resolution images and videos.

In optimising your website’s loading speed, you need to keep all the bells and whistles to the minimum. Double check your code, utilise external links and focus on text content to get your marketing messages across. Ensure that your web hosting solution is adequate and perfectly capable of supporting you bandwidth and up time requirements.

Steer clear of elements on your web design that could be a possible source of distraction or annoyance for visitors. Such elements include banners, background animations and music that automatically plays as user go through your content or worse – covers the entire page! If you really need to really use such elements, then you better be certain that it’s not going to drive away your visitors.

A coordinated website design is also important if you want to provide a good and enjoyable experience for your website visitors. Navigation buttons, logos, layouts and colour palettes – all these things must contribute towards a unified design for your website. It’s not to say that you can’t afford to be too creative in your choice of colours or any other element of your web marketing website but don’t get carried away.

A good way of coming up with a coordinated design even for cheap websites is to use a simple logo and consistent or clear navigation. Visitors should never feel “lost” at any time when using your website which can lead to high web page abandonment rates.

Easy Navigation – Say you’ve managed to attract the attention of your prospects online, now what? Well that’s not going to mean anything if your internet marketing website isn’t easy to navigate with. Navigation buttons can be placed on the top, bottom or either side of the page. Many often opt to have these navigation elements at the top or the left side in their web design. This is because most people are accustomed to reading a page starting from the top left.

Last but certainly not least is content. Website visitors should have easy access to whatever information they require at all times and never be left guessing. This means clear titles and relevant content. Website visitors need to quickly grasp the content of your website design least they decide to take their needs and their business elsewhere.

Guided by the best practices mentioned, one is a lot more likely to succeed in designing an internet marketing website that effectively addresses your business needs. Don’t overly complicate things – think about your own expectations about how a website should be and implement them in your own web design strategy!

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